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REG Study: MCQs, Notes, and NINJA Audio

Farah is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. When it comes to audit or tax, accountants usually prefer one area over the other. I have yet to meet someone who enjoys them both equally. As much as one can enjoy studying for the CPA exam, I can honestly say that I liked FAR and AUD, over

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CPA Exam: Breaking out of My Study Trap

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! I just realized I haven’t written in a month! A few things have happened in my CPA study world since then. First off the system that I’m using started a new online class format that they invited some participants to and I was lucky enough to

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Rearranging My Plan for Regulation

Serena is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. So another week has passed, and I feel like I am improving. I have completed writing the B-Law half of the NINJA Notes and am starting back with Individual Tax. I have decided though, to schedule my exam for a week later than originally planned; the second weekend

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Job Hunting and Making Progress in BEC

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi everyone, I am writing today to give you a quick update on my progress for BEC. My target date to take this section was right at the beginning of October. However, I am only about 40% through my material. At first it seemed like I was struggling

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I Passed FAR!!! REG Up Next

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I got the fantastic news last week that I passed FAR. I now have two test under my belt (FAR and BEC), and will be taking REG in November. I wanted to take REG in late October and AUD in late November to attempt to be done this

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No Time Wasted: Pushing through Financial

Kamiash is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Last week was a hard week to get any studying in. I was swamped at work and came home to the new school routine. Dinner, baths, clean up, and bedtime routines. By the time I got a book open I just nodded out. I haven’t been able to

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Better Prepared for FAR this Time Around

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello my fellow NINJAs! I am sorry I have not written in a while. I have been rather busy with life and things never seem to slow down for me. I have been busy with watching my 15-month-old son, trying to find time for my family, and finding

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REG Study: Working MCQs and Rewriting NINJA Notes

Serena is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! Here I am with 21 days left until I plan to take REG, and still not quite comfortable with some of the topics. When I do MCQs, I usually do 30 at a time, and sometimes I score really low (between 40-50%) and other times I

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BEC Results In: Time to Prepare for the Retake

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. So I have been waiting to write my blog for this week until I found out how I did on BEC. Monday came and went with no score for me. And Tuesday. And Wednesday. I couldn’t help but immerse myself in all the speculation in the forums, and

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REG Results + On a Mission to Defeat AUD

Isaac is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I got my REG score yesterday. I received a 68. I’m quite sad to be honest. My heart sank when I read the score. To be honest, I didn’t feel good about the exam. I got super easy questions all the way through each testlet. But I still

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