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Ask the NINJAs – Overcoming CPA Exam Simulations

Dear NINJAs, How can I improve on CPA Exam Simulations? I have appeared for Regulation three times and scored 74 in all the three exams. My score report says I am good at multiple choice questions but weak in simulations. ~Ishita Dear Ishita, Doing stronger on the multiple choice questions and weaker on the simulations

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Just One More: Ready to Take my Life Back after REG

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Preparing for what I hope to be my final encounter with the CPA exam feels much different than previous sections. I started this journey over 16 months ago, and just scheduled my rematch with REG for November 13, 2012. REG was the first exam I attempted to pass.

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Toyibat

Toyibat is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Future CPAs! I am seriously pumped all over again about tackling the CPA and getting it all behind me once and for all! has definitely pushed me thus far to get on the bandwagon again. As a quick introduction, I graduated from Howard University, DC in

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Mia

Mia is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Knowledge: Either You Know It or You Know Where to Get It Hi all! I hope everyone is doing great in spite of the stresses of the exam. Just a little intro – my name is Mia, 22 years young, made in the Philippines, was raised there as

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The Long Wait for FAR Results + Back into REG Study Mode

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. This week has been a good one for getting back into study mode. My family is finally almost better and I have been able to get back into a better routine. You would think that when I had to stay home with my son when he was sick

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Jimmy

Jimmy is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello, fellow aspiring CPAs, My name is Jimmy Lau and I am currently a Masters of Accountancy student at SFSU. I am currently a financial analyst for a non-profit in the city. I will be 150 units compliant for upcoming California’s requirement by the end of 2013. I

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Dawn

Dawn is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Aloha! My name is Dawn and I am very excited to be exploring the world of blogging! I would like to share a big about myself. I graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with bachelor of science degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer science. Last year, I completed my

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Zac

Zac is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi to all! Or should I say Hi-YA to all? Haha. Get it? Hi-ya, I’m a Ninja now. It’s a pun, and there is plenty more where that came from! My name is Zac and I’m super pumped to be writing a weekly blog to share my experiences

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Time to Turn up the Intensity on BEC Study

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs It has been kind of a slow week as I progress through the chapters for BEC. I finally got through Risk Management and Capital Budgeting. I spent a lot of time on this module. I attempted one topic at a time, and really sought to understand

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Mark

Mark is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAS I started my CPA test last summer. I decided to give Audit a shot first. I used Wiley questions and read through the NINJA Notes two or three times. I have been a good guesser all my life and I was hoping that I could still

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