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Cost Measurement: My Biggest Hurdle with BEC

Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs I just woke up an hour earlier than normal. Daylight savings time has ended and my body has not adjusted yet. So, with a nice clean kitchen and some fresh coffee, I am ready to get back to studying. I have spent the weekend, well, the past

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FAR Crunch Time: Working MCQs and Rewriting Notes

Clint is a NINJA CPA Blogger. After a few weeks of studying I can definitely tell that I’m learning the material better through the Wiley Test bank MCQ’s and NINJA Notes instead of reading the Wiley study guide and doing the MCQ’s in the book. I’m pretty sure some of the questions are the same

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CPA Exam: Accountability is Key

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi All. This will have to be a quick post. I’m still in Germany, participating in a training exercise. Being alone for the past 12 days caused me to reflect a bit, on the advantages of being single vs. married and preparing for the exam. I’m finding it much

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In the Trenches: Pushing Myself to Focus on BEC

Farah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. It feels like a snowball of events has come together. Exams in school, group projects and work have made September and October really busy months. It became more challenging to find time to study for REG, but like all the other CPA exam candidates, I persevered. Now I’m playing

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Preparing for REG while Awaiting FAR Results

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa! How are my fellow NINJAs doing this week? In the last week or two I have been really busy. It has been interesting trying to not balance just work and studying, but also taking my son to daycare and dealing with him getting sick every once in a

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