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FAR Exam Approaching: Two Weeks to Finish Strong

Mark is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I am starting to get nervous as my test date approaches for FAR. I have finished all the lectures and just started my review. I feel like I don’t remember anything from the early mods I studied but so far I have done pretty well when reworking multiple choice.

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Thanksgiving is Overrated – When Studying for BEC

Yolanda is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It’s a time where family and friends join together to give thanks and enjoy an abundant feast. Sisters and brothers and in-laws catch up on each other’s lives (at least for the things that never get posted on Facebook, LOL). One of the most

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Ready to Execute My REG Plan of Attack

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! I know it has been a while since I posted something, so I hope you will forgive me. Part of the reason was because I was hoping for the delayed score release so I could tell all of you my success. Then I found out my

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Final Review before My First CPA Exam Experience

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Just under 2 weeks ago before I will sit for my first CPA exam. Hard to believe how quickly the time has passed. At this point, I have completed all of the sections within my review material and have entered into the final review stage. The pages of my

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AUD Passed! Now BEC Study Begins

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello All. I’m finally back in Olympia. It’s Sunday morning, 1 AM and I just finished final preparations for our two day cruise. The temperature outside is 28 degrees. Inside, there is a constant battle between our space heater, and the cold outside air. Our space heater is loosing.

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FAR Exam Complete: The Wait for My Score Begins

Karen is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey fellow NINJAs!! It’s been quite a while since my last blog but things have been kind of crazy to say the least. I took my FAR exam on Monday, November 5th. I put in an incredible amount of study time for this exam. I have no clue as

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CPA Reviewed #33 – Accounting Job with a Low GPA?

Click to Subscribe to future video awesomeness… Podcast – Audio Only: Option1: Listen on this site Option 2: iTunes. Episode 33 Questions: James – I have 18 months to retake and pass FAR, REG, and AUD. Do you recommend focusing on one section at a time until I can pass that section or rotate through

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth. I graduated from LaSalle University Honors Program in 2006 with a concentration in Accounting. Upon graduation I immediately begun to study for the exam though I heeded my father’s advice and studied from books, i.e. I did multiple guess

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Done with AUD; Now Time for BEC

Beverly is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow Ninjas. It’s been a while since my last post. Work has been a little crazy. A few months ago I started working in internal audit for one of the Big 4s and am currently working on two engagements. I feel as though I am constantly getting pulled

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