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Disappointing REG Results Lead to a New Game Plan

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAS! It seems like a long time since I have posted here. I recently took REG and was totally destroyed by my results. My 71 does not reflect at all how I felt when I left the testing center. I was totally destroyed and stressed about continuing

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After Back-to-Back-to-Back 74s, I Passed BEC!

Nisha is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Waiting for my test score two weeks after taking BEC is torture enough…but I’m happy to say that I finally beat my biggest nemesis… I passed BEC!! Alright, maybe I’m too quick to say “my biggest nemesis” because I do have FAR and AUD remaining but BEC was one

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FAR in Three Weeks: Time is of the Essence

Clint is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Time is of the essence and yet there is so little of it these days. The past few weeks have been very busy due to work, school, studying, and family matters. This week I have had to complete an extensive tax research project and will soon take the last

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Studying for BEC while Enjoying the Live-Aboard Life

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I just finished my self-study of the economic section of BEC. It has been a rough slog. And to think I was actually looking forward to BEC. I should have known better. This topic has a lot to do with cause and effect and affords the exam writers every

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BEC Passed! Two Exams Down, Two to Go!

Jen is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I’ll cut to the chase: I passed BEC! Hooray! It was nice to have taken the exam relatively late in the testing window, so I only had to wait about 10 days for my results. I have to say, I felt the same way after both FAR and BEC.

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I Passed BEC! Ready to Pass REG Next!

Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. What can I say? I have been in a holding pattern for a few days now. I was just waking up, cruising my Facebook timeline when I saw a post from NASBA that over 1,000 new BEC scores had been released today. I am a California candidate so I

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DONE! A NINJA Graduate’s Final Thoughts on the CPA Exam

Farah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I found out that I passed all four sections of the CPA exam, and amazingly on my first try! This has been quite a learning process, to say the least. Hopefully, people will benefit from what I have learned about the CPA exam as I went through it, and

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