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FAR Study Underway + Focusing on the Present

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Here I am, in the beginnings of study for my first exam, FAR. It seems so far, far away, but I know the time will fly. I’ve been studying for about two weeks, and I’ve already experienced some ups and downs. I’ve committed to studying about six hours a

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NINJA Success Story: Tima Passes the CPA Exam

Hi Everyone. My name is Tima. On the second weekend of December I found out I have passed the last part of CPA exam (Audit) after 3 years of struggling. You can imagine how thrilled I was! Finally my dream became reality! Here is the history of my scores: BEC (61,74,74,73,75) AUD (66,72,63,72,86) FAR (72,73,75)

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Scratch That: No More Paper and Pencil Allowed for CPA Exam

Start getting used to the smell of dry erase markers. Apparently CPA Exam security measures are being tightened at exam centers. In the past – candidates would get a few pencils and some scratch paper (which you had to turn in before you left). Those days appear to be over. Dry erase “noteboards” and markers

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A New Job on the Horizon + Tackling FAR

Elaine is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. I am still studying for FAR, listening to NINJA Audio while driving, and waiting to start another job. The end of 2012 is around the corner and I cannot believe it. This past year has been full of accounting jazz

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BEC Passed! No Time to Waste for REG

Mia is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi everyone! This is just my second post so I am a newcomer here. I took my first exam last month and passed with an 82. I honestly did not expect to pass that exam as I felt very nervous during the exam and felt like I was not

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Not Cutting Corners: The Silver Lining in My REG Score

Melissa is a NINJA CPA Blogger. After taking REG, my fiancé and I headed to the smoky mountains for a much needed vacation. Because it was my last section and because I took the exam as part of the extended window, I obsessed about my score more than usual. There was no hard and fast

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