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FAR Results: Time to Slay the Dragon

Austin is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I haven’t written a post in almost 2 months. This is because I didn’t pass FAR. I’ll spare you all the gory details, but I will share that this one really hurt. I put a LOT into it this time, far more than my previous attempts. And I’m still

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Application In + Marching through FAR

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I hope everyone has had a great start to the New Year! I didn’t make any specific resolutions. I’ve never followed through on them anyway. I do plan to keep up on my healthier eating habits and consistent exercise. I find it helps me work out all of my

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BEC Scheduled + A Trip through the Puget Sound

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. It’s Saturday morning and the kids are up playing games as we try to rouse ourselves out of bed. After much prodding from the Admiral, I scheduled BEC for February 28th. It felt kind of good signing up for the exam and seeing FAR and AUD greyed out. This

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Resolution: It’s My Year to Pass the CPA Exam

Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs, I am so sorry I have neglected you the past few weeks. Shame on me! But I am still here, and in final preparations for retaking REG, in one week. The holidays were rough finding study time (as most of you can probably relate), since we

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Mindy

Mindy is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello CPA exam-ers! This is an introduction to me. My name is Melinda, but I go by “Mindy” and I am a “non-tanned Spanish, Italian” that lives in Anchorage, Alaska!!!! Yes we are dark half the year and light half the year, but it is so beautiful year

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CPA Exam Scoring Error from 2011-2012 Discovered

Over the weekend, messages started popping up in the Another71 Forum that they had received phone calls indicating that their previously failed CPA Exam section from had changed from Fail to Pass. Here are the key points to know:   This isn’t a hoax. has confirmed that this did happen and steps are

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AUD & BEC Results In: Deciding on a Study Plan

Elizabeth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings, So I know there has been a substantial delay since my blog though I have been moping and honestly not wanting to deal with anything accounting related. Not only did I read about all those who passed BEC (CONGRATS BTW) I turned in my laptop and my key

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AUD Passed! Committed to Passing FAR Next

Fred is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Happy New Year everyone! Late again on my Blog – someday I will get it right. Holidays were busy, work has been hectic and I have started to cram for FAR. As usual I am stressed out. Has anyone else passed a part of the exam and then sat

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