Data Access Time is the amount of time it takes for a computer or peripheral device to seek out and find data, i.e., the amount of time to retrieve data from memory or storage.
Read MoreData Access Time

Data Access Time is the amount of time it takes for a computer or peripheral device to seek out and find data, i.e., the amount of time to retrieve data from memory or storage.
Read MoreAudit Client Acceptance: CPA firms should establish policies and procedures for determining the acceptance of a client to minimize the risk of being associated with a client whose management lacks integrity.
Read MoreContract Acceptance is the agreement of the offeree to the proposal (the offer) of the offeror. It may be either oral or written and must conform to all the terms of the offer (“mirror image” rule) (U.C.C. 2-207). Acceptance provides an exception for nonmaterial terms in contracts between merchants. Any reply to an offer that
The accelerator theory states that changes in investment are related to changes in national income. As national income increases, investment must increase to increase capacity to produce consumer goods. The increase in investment will be a multiple of the increase in sales. The accelerator theory is a macroeconomic concept.
Read MoreAbsorption costing is a method of costing in which fixed costs are treated as a product cost and assigned to the units produced. Fixed costs follow the units through work-in-process and finished goods as an inventoriable cost and are expensed through cost of goods sold when the units are sold. Absorption costing is required by
Absolute advantage is the advantage one nation, region, or individual has over another when more product can be produced in that nation than in another using the same amount of resources. It is a macroeconomic concept. If each nation specializes in the product(s) in which it has an advantage (absolute or comparative), each nation specializes
The AICPA released the 2012 CPA Exam Pass Rates wayyy back on January 4th. The NINJAs must have been hung over from too much Mountain Dew on New Year’s Eve and didn’t notice. 2012 CPA Exam Pass Rates vs. 2011 CPA Exam Pass Rates
Read MoreNisha is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Ahhhh, I cant believe January is almost over. On my last blog I had mentioned trying to take FAR by the end of February
well that isnt going to happen. I havent received my NTS yet and even if I do, I cant really take my test on a weekday
The NINJAs are giving away 5 Ten Point Combo sections in the CPA Exam Forum tonight. Deadline to enter is 11pm EST. Click here for more details.
Read MoreBrent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. During this past month and a half I put studying on hold to relax and enjoy myself. As a reward for my hard work preparing for and sitting for the audit exam, I took trip down south to visit friends and wakeboard in Orlando, Florida. Every single day after