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84!!! FAR Score Motivates Me to Pass REG

Clint is a NINJA CPA Blogger. At the beginning of the year I, like many, made a New Year’s resolution. Typically, I don’t do these sorts of things but it’s been pretty busy here lately and I figured it was as good a time as any to quit postponing certain things. More specifically, I wanted

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Disappointing REG Score, but Moving on with FAR

Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I had to wait a couple days to go through the grieving process. As most of you know, there was just a score release. I took REG in January and REG scores were the last to be released, so I had a very unproductive Monday hitting the

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Back to It: BEC Doesn’t Care that I Failed AUD

Greg is a NINJA CPA Blogger. So after 2 ½ weeks of waiting, 95% of which I spent studying for BEC, I finally got my AUD score. Unfortunately I failed again (68). AUD 4, me 0. I really thought this could’ve been the one. I actually felt alright when I left the prometric center. I

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Progressing Slowly but Effectively through FAR

Nisha is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hope everyone had a great Super Bowl weekend. It was rough watching the game and having to think that I didn’t get some study time in cause I needed to prep the food, but the game was a nail biter after the power outage (I still think Beyonce did

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BEC Final Review: Tons of MCQs and Rewriting Notes

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I would liken this final phase of my BEC studies to the active labor phase of child delivery. When our first child was born, I recall playing card games and watching Friends episodes to pass the time. But when I woke from my nap, something had changed. She was

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Quite a Week: FAR Exam and a Root Canal

Karen is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Which would you prefer? Well I can say with absolute certainty that I would have another root canal. I took my FAR exam last Monday and had this dental issue on Wednesday. The root canal procedure was much less painful than this FAR exam and the previous two FAR

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Running for Town Recorder + Hammering out FAR MCQs

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I hope to sit for my first exam in the April/May window, and I’ve been studying for FAR using NINJA Audio, Notes and Flashcards in addition to a main review course. I really like the flashcards. They seem to help me retain more and pick up on details I

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Confidence: February is My Month to Pass REG

Mindy is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This week, I felt that I needed to get rid of all of my old CPA study material. Originally, I was going to save it all, pass the exam, and have a big bomb party at my friend’s house in her piece of old Alaskan gas pipeline firepit overlooking

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In Full NINJA Attack Mode for BEC

Greg is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Things are moving along nicely with my BEC studying. For the first time I have decided to adopt the NINJA method. Right now I’m Nailing my videos, and taking Intense notes on said videos. I have gotten through 3 of the 6 chapters in about a week’s time. I

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