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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. I started trying to get my CPA in July 2010. I’ll admit I was cocky, and I assumed that because there was an overlap in material between my CIA designation and the CPA, that I could just breeze through my AUD and BEC test. Just to save registration

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FAR Coming Up: Bonds, Bonds, and More Bonds

Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs, Time for an update. I’m a couple weeks into studying for FAR, taking a reprieve from REG. Our rematch will be later, but I must focus on FAR right now. I have 6 weeks until I plan on sitting for FAR for the first time. I am

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Officially a Candidate + Time to Schedule FAR

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. My story of being a ‘newbie’ is shaping up fast. After about one month of waiting to find out if my application would be accepted, I finally received my confirmation in the mail! I am now a CPA candidate! I’m not familiar with the process in other states, but

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Grad Classes, Long Commutes, and AUD Coming Up

Elizabeth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings all, As always I apologize for the delay. Little update, the school year has begun again and so has my commute, approximately 3 hours round trip. Now is when I keep wishing I had studied more during the break as opposed to taking a break after I was

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57 to 81: My Journey to Pass the CPA Exam

Courtney shares her journey through the CPA Exam. I started studying for my first exam in June 2011, after graduating in May with 150 hours and a bachelor’s degree. I had accepted an offer to start at as an auditor at a public firm in November so I decided to take the summer off to

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