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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Larry

Larry is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Everyone, I’m Larry. I’ve been a reader of the success stories on another71 and thought I’d like to count myself among them. To give a bit of background, I’m an accounting graduate. I took all parts of the exam in 2011 and early 2012 with no success.

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NTS for AUD Received: It’s Real Now

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This past week was an exciting week…I received my NTS for AUD. I also received my NTS for FAR, but I’m not as excited about that. I got my AUD test scheduled for April 3rd and the reality of 30 days and counting has really hit me. I spent

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REG Passed! Two Exams Down, Two to Go

Mia is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I just thought I would check in and address those people who are still lurking around the site and have not gotten around to applying to sit for the CPA exams yet because they’re intimidated with the process. You know who you are! Admittedly, I was very hesitant to

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BEC Exam Taken, Moving to REG Right Away

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I took BEC today, but I first wanted to talk about the final days leading up to today. This is the fourth section that I’ve sat for. Without fail, when it’s all said and done, my mind always ends up feeling like a big jumble of useless facts and

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Matt

Matt is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. It is good to know that Jeff is seeking for blogger in posting about their CPA studying experience on Here is some of my background information. My name is Matt, and I obtained my Economics Degree at San Jose State University. After I graduated from SJSU, I

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Studying Put on Hold: BEC & REG Rescheduled

Carolyn is a NINJA CPA Blogger. So … I rescheduled both REG and BEC; I gave myself another two weeks. What brought this about: I realized I was overconfident about REG, but I figured I could get where I wanted to be if I stayed home this weekend and did nothing but study. I sat

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Noteboards and Wet Tissues: A FAR Exam to Remember

Kricket is a Moderator on the Forum and NINJA CPA Blogger. I’ve heard people refer to the CPA exam as a “journey” or “struggle”. Some candidates breeze through it like it’s nothing and others, like me, it takes a little longer. I’ve often referred to the CPA exam as a slow train ride through

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Sarah

Sarah is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey y’all, I’m Sarah! [insert extremely flat, yet charming Southern Louisiana accent] Like the rest of the NINJA bloggers and readers, I’m trying to balance a consistent study schedule, a crazy-insane job that I may love a little too much, and a pretty much nonexistent social life. It’s

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