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Discipline and Quality Time Needed to Pass REG

Jeanie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I had a very wise friend Jennifer who always said, ‘this too shall pass’. The good, the bad, and the ugly, this all will pass. And eventually, I too will pass all four sections of the exam. I am looking for energy as I move through REG in preparation

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Passing the CPA Exam: Life after Conquest

Angel shares his CPA Exam experience as an international candidate. Studying for the CPA examinations is kind of addictive. You may find yourself crawling in the first two weeks in to exam preparation, but as soon as you get your groove going you soon feel something’s lacking each time you do not open your FAR

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A Little Freaked Out: FAR Exam on Sunday

Nisha is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs! It’s been a while since my last post and I apologize for the delay. I wish I had some exciting news to for my absences but I’m afraid I don’t. I’ve been freaked out and am getting very anxious about FAR. I’m taking this test on Sunday.

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Time Management + Chugging Away at BEC

Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. My Easter activities didn’t consist of much. I woke up late, but decided to take my puppy to the neighborhood egg hunt anyway. Of course the kids had already found all the eggs so we didn’t get any pics

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FAR in Four Days: My Final Review Method

Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Alright NINJAs, I have been listening to the Another71 Podcasts—and I know I’m not the first to mention this in my blog—but if you haven’t listened, take some time to do so. Sometimes you may feel like you have your study method down, and you don’t need any pointers

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Changes Ahead: New Job and REG Exam Coming in May

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. So we’re moving to Las Vegas. After passing BEC, I got a call from my former boss who took a job there. He needed a CFO and offered to fly us down for the weekend to interview and check out the area. “Why not?” I reasoned. “After BEC, we

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Confession: Spring Break + AUD Study Goals

Elizabeth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings all, I hope everyone’s studying went better than mine during the last week. Needless to say I have not been an honor roll/model student so there is not much to tell. I must confesses I have dreaded writing this blog all day. I always pride myself in having

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How to Study for the CPA Exam

Need More Study Hours in the Week? Here is the Answer. Study 20+ Hours per Week (without anyone noticing) Includes Free NINJA Notes Chapters Instant Download – Arrives in Seconds Where Should We Email Your Free Stuff?    

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