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Countdown Begins: Ten Days Until REG Exam

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs- Well, I’ve scheduled my last 2 exams: REG on April 19, and FAR is penned in for May 29. I know it may seem like a short turnaround, but my primary motivation is a summer free of Jeff Elliott. No offense, Jeff. You’re the man. The NINJA

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Going Strong: A Productive Week of AUD Study

Elizabeth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings all, I am happy to report that I earned a 29/30 on my recent non-CPA exam. The question I erred on was a gift question (i.e. so easy I am honestly not sure what happened except to say I screwed up). I was anticipating Columbia asking me to

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REG Under Pressure: Exam in Twelve Days

Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. REG, take 3. Action! I have less than two weeks to re-cram everything I know about REG and then some. Because I really need to pass this time. Don’t get me wrong—I WANT to pass, too. I am like a toddler—confused about needs and wants. Whatever it is, let

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Final Push: FAR in Three Weeks

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I have about 3 weeks to go before I sit for my first exam, FAR. I’m finishing up studying, and preparing for a final review push. I will have studied four months for FAR, and I’m thinking that may have been a little too much time. I know these

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NINJA iPad Mini Giveaway #3 Signup

Video: Here is the winner of iPad Mini or Complete Ten Point Combo #2. Want to be part of the next drawing? Enter your name and email below. Note: If you signed up for Giveaway #1/#2, you’re good to go for Giveaway #3. The Dealio: One iPad Mini 16gb/WiFi (the winner will actually receive an

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