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BEC Exam: The Unlikely Saboteur

Haley is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey all, it’s been a while! And boy, do I have a story for you today… Like many of you, I am nearing the end of my CPA journey. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can envision myself being DONE – no more

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AUD Behind Me, Time to Navigate BEC

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I’ve been plowing through BEC for a full week now and earlier in the week I was missing the comfort I had during AUD. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t KNOW AUD, but I somewhat knew AUD. By the time I took my AUD test, the first

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Last Exam Ever? Fingers Crossed for REG Results

Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I just don’t know what to do with myself. I took REG today, which will hopefully be the last. Exam. Ever. And I have to tell you—I don’t want to celebrate too early, but it feels like half the world was lifted from my shoulders. Yes, only half, because

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AUD Exam Sims + Starting REG in a Few Days

Larry is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Y’all NINJAs, Here I am at the keys once again waiting and anticipating the result of another exam. To recap, I recently sat for AUD this past week. Going into the exam I had already completed a substantial amount of Wiley MCQs practices. But I had this feeling

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Time Management: Pacing Myself through FAR MCQs

Bobby is a NINJA CPA Blogger. How long have you spent on a problem? Have you seen problems that completely stump you and you spend 30 minutes digging through your materials trying to find out why the answer to the question is what it is? Is that a valuable use of time? I guess I

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Monkey Bars, REG Study, and Scheduling Logistics

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Today at the Park, my five year old son was trying his luck on the monkey bars with varied success. He could barely reach the slippery bars and lacked confidence. I supported his legs at first but he quickly brushed me off when he realized that he could do

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AUD Experience: My Exam Strategy

Clint is a NINJA CPA Blogger. It seems like I had studied for months when in reality it was only 6 weeks. You would think that having less material in auditing would relate to more exposure and time to study. However, that was not the case. I struggled the last two weeks to finish roughly

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