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CPA Exam Pass Rates – Q1 2013 Released; BEC up 10%

The CPA Exam Pass Rates for the January/February 2013 Testing Window have been released by the AICPA. AUD Q1 2013: 45.19% AUD Q1 2012: 44.9% Increase: Negligible BEC Q1 2013: 53.47% BEC Q1 2012: 48.63% Increase: 10% FAR Q1 2013: 47.16% FAR Q1 2012: 43.84% Increase: 7.5% REG Q1 2013: 47.57% REG Q1 2012: 45.00%

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Dale

Dale is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Starting All Over… With tax season almost completely over, it’s time to recharge the batteries for another run at these exams. I am in the same boat as many others, I’m sure, that overestimated my intelligence and underestimated the difficulty of the tests. I have always had some

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Where Did the Time Go? REG in Eight Days!

Jeanie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I have just eight days left to prepare for REG! Holy Hannah – how did THAT happen? It was six months away, it was months away, it was weeks away and now. Here I am, working MCQ’s like crazy, listening to Jeff each day on my way to and

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Heather

Heather is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow aspiring CPAs! My name is Heather and I am from a small town in Cleveland, Georgia. I am married to a fireman (who is currently in paramedic school; we have no life!) and we have a very spoiled beagle named Saydie, but no kids yet! In

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[Video] CPA Reviewed 41 – NINJA FAR Study Tactics

Today’s Giveaway: Ten Point Combo Lite Audio Only: Subscribe to CPA Reviewed: iTunes iTunes Version Intro/Outro Music: Mitch Langley “Free” Have a question for the Podcast? Option1: Call the NINJA Hotline – (323) 834-9132 Option 2: Ask Jeff Today’s NINJA Hotline Question: FAR Study Tactics Today’s Mailbox Questions: Keith – Before tackling FAR and AUD,

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My FAR Exam AND a Job Interview Coming Soon

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Time is ticking down. I have a few days until I take my first exam ever, FAR, and I’m a little nervous and anxious. I’m anticipating the relief of getting it over with, but I’m not looking forward to the wait for scores. Why does it take so long

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Tax Season Over, BEC Behind Me, and Time for FAR

Ashliegh is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Finally, tax season is over! But that does not mean life will slow down… I was ecstatic last week for tax season to be done and spent the night of the 15th celebrating. The next five days consisted of studying as much as possible for BEC. I had taken

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