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A 77 on FAR! I Passed the CPA Exam!

Jimmy is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi fellow CPA Exam takers, As we waited for my score, my wife and I decided to go watch the opening day showing of Iron Man 3 on IMAX. We loved the plot and the special effects but I was disappointed by the lack of any hints to other

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A Little Flag Football + Suddenly More Time for BEC Study

Dale is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Well… The Russell home has been all abuzz this week. My middle son, Dale Jr., is a high school senior and we have been making preparations for graduation and prom. Tuxes, pictures, graduation invitations, cap and gown. All very exciting. He recently informed my wife and I that

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More than I can Chew? Offer on a House + AUD in Ten Days

Jason is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs. As I’m writing this, it’s Friday. Jeff’s predicted score release date. Unfortunately for those in non-NASBA states we will have to wait a bit longer. That does not curtail the excitement, buzz, and feelings of weak stomachs that ensue when the day approaches that Jeff

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Final Push: AUD Exam in Two Weeks

Jen is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Crunch time is here! My audit exam is in two weeks. I’m about to start reviewing my notes like crazy, doing as many multiple choice questions as I can, and listening to NINJA Audio at all times. If you see my with my ear buds in, you can be

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CPA Exam Scores: Released

Update 5/3 – 7:15pm EST: Scores are releasing for all 4 exam sections – some more (AUD) than others (BEC). The Indie State wait (CA/IL, etc) continues. Update 5/3 – 1:45pm EST: AUD Released Update 5/3 – 1:15pm EST: 1. If past trends hold true, today is the day for the Wave 1 (April 1-20

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Focused and Ready: REG Exam on Saturday

Jeanie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Counting down to REG on Saturday morning … tick, tock, tick, tock. I am feeling better than I ever have before an exam because I put in quality time, not hours zoned out watching a lecture because I HAD to as some sort of cosmic punishment, but quality, focused

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Sheba

Sheba is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi, I’m Sheba the wife of one and a mother of three (one boy and two girls). After being laid off, I went back to school for accounting. Within six months of finishing I took 3 parts of the CPA exam, two a few days apart, and I

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Adam

Adam is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. One word comes to my mind when I think about preparing for CPA exams: busy. All of us who are dedicating the proper time to studying for these exams have felt the strain of having to prioritize relationships, activities, sleep, etc. I’m told that I will look back

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Jason

Jason is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello another71 NINJAs. A little about me … my name is Jason and I live in Dallas, Texas (full disclosure I am a transplant from Jacksonville, FL) with my beautiful wife Jessica and our yellow lab Savannah. She got her name Savannah because that’s where I proposed to

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CPA Exam Pass Rates – Q1 2013 Released; BEC up 10%

The CPA Exam Pass Rates for the January/February 2013 Testing Window have been released by the AICPA. AUD Q1 2013: 45.19% AUD Q1 2012: 44.9% Increase: Negligible BEC Q1 2013: 53.47% BEC Q1 2012: 48.63% Increase: 10% FAR Q1 2013: 47.16% FAR Q1 2012: 43.84% Increase: 7.5% REG Q1 2013: 47.57% REG Q1 2012: 45.00%

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