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My Love for Coffee + Audit Exam Time Crunch

Adam is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Over the past month I have been crunched to find the time to study adequately for my Audit exam. A coworker of mine recently left the company that I work for and thus left me with a hefty learning curve and double job duties for a while until

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FAR Exam: Ready to Put it Behind Me and Move on

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Exam day is quickly approaching and I am preparing myself to completely dominate FAR this time around. Studying for this exam has drained me both physically and mentally. I am ready to put it behind me and move on. In preparation for the retake, my review consisted of working

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Waiting on REG Score + Making Plans for FAR

Jeanie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings fellow NINJAs. I have been laying low and working hard on my preparations for the FAR section. I had a little hiccup in my plan, but I am going to take this as the universe trying to show me something. SLOW DOWN! I was scheduled for July 6th,

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FAR Study: MCQs and Notes in Final Stretch

Bobby is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Well this is the final stretch, number crunchers. I haven’t been blogging much, because there’s not been much change. Problems, problems, problems. NINJA Notes, notes, notes. I’m seven days out from taking the FAR portion of the exam. Something that is deeply disturbing to me when I retake an

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Sean

Sean is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. This is going to sound like confession: it’s been about one and a half years since I studied for the CPA Exam. I’m actually okay with that. The story is as follows. At about age 32, I finally figured out what I wanted to do. I’d previously attended

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Ali

Ali is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. I remember sitting in a CPA review company’s presentation in college. “Don’t sign up for an exam and think you’re just going to go and ‘see what it’s like.’ I’ll tell you what it’s like – it’s three hours of sitting there having no idea what the heck

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CPA Exam Studying: You Have to do the Hard Stuff

Sheba is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs, It has been a very long couple of weeks. I have been super busy with end of the season activities such as track meets, volleyball games, band concerts, banquets, volunteering and prom. Most of them were on the same days so not much studying was being

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