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FAR Exam Experience: Some Lessons Learned

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I sat for FAR on Friday and took the entire weekend off from studying. Overall, I feel that my second retake of this exam went well and that I was well prepared for it. My confidence was growing as I answered each MCQ and a voice inside my head

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Halfway There: BEC Passed! Just FAR and REG Remain

Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! My last post was written the night before my BEC exam and I was feeling unprepared due to all the math I’d come across while studying. The next day, I finished the exam a little early and thought I did well. There were more conceptual problems than

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Surprised and Relieved: I Passed AUD!

Jason is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs, I write this today with a smile on my face. A few days after everyone else got their scores, I received mine (thanks TX) and found out I passed AUD. You see Texas loads them between midnight and 4am, so yes I was up at 4am

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It All Comes to an End: I Finally PASSED the CPA Exam

Larry is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Y’all NINJAs I’m glad to report I finally passed all sections. I’m not quite sure if I have ever felt this good to be over with an undertaking such as this. hose two hours, that cruel wait between receiving the email about the score release till actually seeing

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Video: July 2013 Auditing Changes Summary

Now that Q3 2013 Testing is upon us, CPA Exam candidates look to the changes to Auditing & Attestation, which now incorporate the Clarified SAS. Q: Are the NINJA Notes updated for the Q3 Changes?A: Yes Q: Do I need to know both versions of the Auditing Materials?A: Yes – and the NINJA Notes cover

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kristin

Kristin is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa! After a year of watching and reading and loving the NINJA Blogger concept, I have decided to join the ranks! Recently, I read a blog from someone that really resonated with me, and it made such a difference I thought, WOW, if someone can connect with me,

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First Exam Passed! FAR behind me, AUD up next

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Waiting over three weeks for my FAR score has been horrible. I passed, barely, with a 76. I couldn’t be more thrilled! It means that, I, an average country girl that went to an average local four-year college, and took my sweet time getting a degree, can pass these

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CPA Reviewed Podcast #43

Subscribe on iTunes Have a question for the Podcast? Option1: Call the NINJA Hotline – (323) 834-9132 Option 2: Ask Jeff Today’s CPA Reviewed Questions: Tressa – I’ve decided to get back to studying for the CPA exam after a 3 year hiatus. Given the exam changes and the upcoming exam changes, where do I

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