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REG Behind Me, FAR Exam Coming Soon

Jason is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Fellow NINJAs, I took REG on July 2, and I have mixed feelings about how it went. I felt the MCQ’s were pretty straightforward then I got to the SIMS and BAM, my brain seemed like it had just quit. They were, in my opinion, way more challenging than

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Dreams Begin Again: One Week until REG

Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! It’s getting close to my REG date, and I had a dream last night about the test. I can’t remember what it was about, but I woke up feeling stressed. This is becoming a common occurrence – I dreamed I forgot my NTS a few days before

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AUD Retake Behind Me, Tackling FAR Next

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I sat for my AUD retake on the first day of the testing window. Overall, I thought it went better than the first time but it’s hard leaving there with any real sense of what your score might be. When I got to work that morning and before I

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Enjoying Summertime + NTS for AUD Received

Sheba is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Dear Fellow NINJAS, Summer is my favorite time of the year. This is when I feel the most alive. Probably has to do with the fact that it is finally warm outside. I have been teaching my daughter to drive. Talk about stressful. Thank goodness for the sun sending

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CPA Reviewed Podcast #44

  Subscribe on iTunes   Have a question for the Podcast? Option1: Call the NINJA Hotline – (323) 834-9132 Option 2: Ask Jeff Today’s CPA Reviewed Questions: Matt – I have the updated Ten Point Combo for AUD. Do you think the combo will be enough to supplement my studies without having to buy another

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Time to Jump in: AUD Coming Up Next Week

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. My first attempt at AUD is coming up next week. It seems like the past two months have gone by way too fast. I don’t feel prepared, but then I didn’t feel prepared for FAR either and managed to pass. I’ve heard it said many times on another71 forum

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The Wait is Over: My CPA License has Arrived

Angel passed the CPA Exam and now shares his experience as an international candidate. The Miami Heat has overcome a 5-point deficit with 28 seconds remaining in the penultimate game 6 last Tuesday to force a sudden death final game. Last Thursday, they have found their rhythm to defeat the mighty veterans of the San

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Long-Lasting BEC High + AUD Round Two

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, I’m finally off my high from receiving my passing BEC score almost 2 weeks ago and the reality of my AUD retake has kicked in full force. I hit AUD hard when I started studying 2 weeks ago, I knew I didn’t give it my all the

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NBA Finals, the Meat Cube, and FAR Rage

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs- The other night, I found myself throwing a stool across the room and spouting profanities as the Miami Heat mounted an unbelievable comeback against the San Antonio Spurs in Game 6 of this year’s NBA finals. I’m not a fan of either team, but as a rule

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