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Focusing on Simulations for FAR Retake

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Up early on a gorgeous Saturday morning and hitting the books with every ounce of effort in me. I am feeling very good about the knowledge I have absorbed during my review as I prepare for my third and last time sitting for the FAR exam. Notice I said

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FAR Retake Behind Me, Time to Prepare for BEC

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I walked out of FAR retake number three feeling drained and also uneasy about my performance. I felt that this was the hardest of the three test I have taken. The first two retakes were very similar and presented topics in a comparable format. This time around however, there

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Cleared Mind: Gearing up for Round Two with AUD

Alex is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs! Last time I wrote you I found out my AUD score and realized that I would be gearing up for round 2 with the brutal exam. Luckily I have returned from a vacation trip to New Orleans, where I’d never been before, and had a great time

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Slay the Beast: The Time is Coming to Pass FAR

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I’m working hard and staying on top of things as I attempt to slay the beast known as FAR on my third attempt. In preparation, I have been working the final exams provided in my review materials with the majority of my concentration on the simulations. I have also

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Shanna

Shanna is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi, I am just beginning my CPA journey and thought blogging from the very beginning would be a great way to commiserate the long road. I am a mid-career changer with a varied back ground. I have a B.S. in Psychology/Sociology and received my M.S. in Rural Sociology.

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Enjoying a Sailing Adventure + REG Fact Nuggets

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Update from Victoria BC. The trip here was uneventful though we had to dodge many logs along the way. We are really enjoying ourselves here. So far, we have visited the Maritime Museum, Miniature World, Undersea Garden, and the Bug Zoo where my daughter got to hold 11 different

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