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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Charisa

Charisa is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAS!! My name is Charisa and I am 24 years old from Vallejo, CA (the Bay Area, for those who have never heard of the city). However, about a week ago I made the official move back to Atlanta, where I lived for 5 years to attend

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I’m a Wreck: Two Weeks until Rematch with REG

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Two weeks left to my REG rematch in Las Vegas (but not at Caesar’s Palace). I am a wreck. My scores are slowly starting to improve but I’m having a hard time staying focused. I keep thinking about all the things I want to do after I pass, which

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BEC was Brutal + AUD Round Three Up Next

Kristin is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa!!!! Well, I officially sat and experienced the BEC monster I have heard about. And I agree. BEC was brutal, in my opinion. I am pretty sure I didn’t pass, by how much, I don’t know. This is my take-away-from exam wisdom, which I do have I promise! I

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Ask the NINJAs: What does a ’74’ Mean?

Dear NINJAs, What does a 74 really mean? – Juan     Dear Juan, We NINJAs like 74 so much, we scored it twice on REG (74…74…92). Here is a what a 74 means: You’re close, but there are still a few conceptual holes in your study prep. If you think about which topic(s) you

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REG: Agency Law & Apparent Authority Real Life Example

Evan Brown has a writeup over on Internet Cases that is a great real life example of Agency Law and a principal being bound to a contract due to the apparent authority of an agent. Summary: Company A used an independent contractor to negotiate an oil lease with Company B   Contractor used a Company

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Awaiting AUD Score while Struggling through FAR

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I’m anxiously awaiting exam score releases from my rematch with AUD in early July. I felt better after leaving the prometric site than I did the first time I sat for AUD but I have no idea if that will be enough to receive the passing 75.

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Monique

Monique is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi! My name is Monique and like so many I’ve been trying to pass the CPA exam for years! I knew ever since I graduated from high school back in 1999 that I wanted to be a CPA. I even asked for a study book as one of

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Maria

Maria is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Fellow NINJAs, I am from Gloucester, Virginia, a small town close to the Chesapeake Bay where everybody knows everybody. I’m 23 years old, married, and I think I have the usual life-gets-in-the-way issues with studying for the CPA exam like many other NINJAs. When I have time,

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