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I’m a Wreck: Two Weeks until Rematch with REG

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Two weeks left to my REG rematch in Las Vegas (but not at Caesar’s Palace). I am a wreck. My scores are slowly starting to improve but I’m having a hard time staying focused. I keep thinking about all the things I want to do after I pass, which

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BEC was Brutal + AUD Round Three Up Next

Kristin is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa!!!! Well, I officially sat and experienced the BEC monster I have heard about. And I agree. BEC was brutal, in my opinion. I am pretty sure I didn’t pass, by how much, I don’t know. This is my take-away-from exam wisdom, which I do have I promise! I

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Ask the NINJAs: What does a ’74’ Mean?

Dear NINJAs, What does a 74 really mean? – Juan     Dear Juan, We NINJAs like 74 so much, we scored it twice on REG (74…74…92). Here is a what a 74 means: You’re close, but there are still a few conceptual holes in your study prep. If you think about which topic(s) you

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REG: Agency Law & Apparent Authority Real Life Example

Evan Brown has a writeup over on Internet Cases that is a great real life example of Agency Law and a principal being bound to a contract due to the apparent authority of an agent. Summary: Company A used an independent contractor to negotiate an oil lease with Company B   Contractor used a Company

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Awaiting AUD Score while Struggling through FAR

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I’m anxiously awaiting exam score releases from my rematch with AUD in early July. I felt better after leaving the prometric site than I did the first time I sat for AUD but I have no idea if that will be enough to receive the passing 75.

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Monique

Monique is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi! My name is Monique and like so many I’ve been trying to pass the CPA exam for years! I knew ever since I graduated from high school back in 1999 that I wanted to be a CPA. I even asked for a study book as one of

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Maria

Maria is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Fellow NINJAs, I am from Gloucester, Virginia, a small town close to the Chesapeake Bay where everybody knows everybody. I’m 23 years old, married, and I think I have the usual life-gets-in-the-way issues with studying for the CPA exam like many other NINJAs. When I have time,

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January 2014: Clarity Standards only on AUD Exam

The “old” GAAS will no longer be tested on Auditing exams beginning January 2014. The AICPA has released a statement on their site regarding the testing of content on the Auditing and Attestation exam in 2014. Before now, it was undetermined when the extant (aka the old GAAS) standards would cease being tested. Beginning in

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