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Realistic Study Plan: Gearing up for BEC Again

Ashliegh is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs! It has been a few months since I have logged in and it my last exam score shows that my brain checked out when the weather got nice. Audit season has hit and the joys of summer have been painfully tempting. In February, I received a 72

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CPA Exam Success Story: From Limbo to Passed, Part 2

Raffi is a special guest blogger sharing his journey to pass the CPA Exam. This is part two of two installments. Take the father’s advice (who is also a CPA) – Fall 2012 – His grandiose advice was to just focus on two parts at a time until you pass them and then move on

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The Sims Killed Me: Already Planning for AUD Retake

Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. One phrase sums up my audit retake score…the SIMS killed me. I got a 74 on my retake and was shocked. I really felt like I had passed it, even felt like the SIMS weren’t two bad, but I just received my score breakdown from NASBA and I scored

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Looking Back at FAR Scores + Looking ahead to BEC

Maria is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Well, I’ve finally picked myself up off the floor since my fourth (ouch!) fail on FAR. I tried not to dwell on it too much, as I’ve been distracted studying for BEC, and in an odd way, this fail actually gave me some good motivation to tackle my first

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Ask the NINJAs – How to (Finally) Pass FAR

Dear NINJAs, FAR is the last section I need to pass. My last scores were 55 and 65. Do you have any suggestions on strategies to tackle this last section? – Edgar     Dear Edgar, You have two things going for you: 1. You know how to pass an exam. It’s not like you’re

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Two Months Later … A New Job + A New Plan for BEC

Ali is a NINJA CPA Blogger. To say I fell off the bandwagon is a total understatement. The last NINJA blog post I wrote was about two months ago. Shortly after writing that post, a new project came my team’s way at work and we became considerably more busy. I left public accounting because I

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Praying for a Knockout: AUD Round Three Coming Up

Kristin is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Round 3 with Audit is exactly 13 days away. In the next 13 days I am doing nothing but staying home and studying. Oh wait. Sorry, I was DREAMING!!! My youngest son is turning 7, my boyfriend’s sister is getting married, my kids are starting school (2nd and 3rd

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Time to Jump: Just a Few Days until REG

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I’ve noticed that I tend to use a lot of analogies in my writing, so bear with me, but with a few days left, I have a feeling in my gut that brings me back to the first time I jumped out of an airplane. After two weeks of

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