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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Bree

Bree is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! I am Bree, and I am an international accountant for a tech company. My CPA journey has been long (over 3 years!) and painful. I have honestly never studied for something as hard as the CPA Exam and not passed the first time through. It was

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No Time to Waste: REG Behind Me, FAR Up Next

Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJA’s I sat for REG on Monday, the 26th. Things went well, or so it seemed. Time will tell, on score release day of course. After my exam, I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening running errands and spending time with my husband and my pups. First thing

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NINJA Hall of Fame: Prepared to Pass the CPA Exam

Cesar is a guest blogger sharing his journey to pass the CPA Exam. Dear NINJAs/CPA Exam Takers, This is the first blog I have ever written and I couldn’t have chosen a better topic. I have read many blogs and truly felt the pain of some of my fellow bloggers/CPA exam takers; however my journey

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FAR Exam Taken, AUD Still Ahead

Kimberly is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey Peeps! I took FAR yesterday! I must say that the bark (preparing) appears more difficult than the bite (the actual exam). There is just sooooo much information to cover when studying for this BEAST of an exam and then you go into the exam and you don’t

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Time for Final Review with BEC Quickly Approaching

Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. The day of my first experience with BEC is quickly approaching and I have entered into final review mode. Up to this point I have completed all of the sections within my review materials along with the homework problems. During my first attempt at the homework problems I marked

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Praying for a Pass + Non-Stop MCQs before AUD Exam

Monique is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Here it is Sunday morning and I’m not at church. Instead, I’m cramming before the big day when I retake AUD. I am praying that I pass this time and get closer to getting back to my life. I feel horrible about it and have a million excuses. The

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AUD this Week: Preparation and Determination

Elizabeth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings all, I hope all is well and this entry finds everyone well and their studying progressing well. As to the house-keeping details, yes I read my notes and studied my flash cards religiously. Additionally, there were a few days when I knew studying was out of the question

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Final Review Time: Nine Days Until REG Round Three

Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs. I am officially T minus 9 days until my third attempt at REG. I am feeling very anxious about the upcoming exam. A lot is riding on me passing this section. Over the last several months I have been going through my review material in great detail.

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The Cougher: A Distracted REG Exam Experience

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I’m writing from McCarran International, waiting for a flight back to Seattle, where I will attend Pacific Coast Banking School for the next two weeks. I spent the day prior to the exam working a few questions but mostly reviewing notes, trying to rest my brain as much as

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