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Halfway Done! I Passed FAR and REG like a NINJA!

Dewey is a guest blogger. Several years ago a coworker told me about Another71. At the time, I was more concerned about billable hours and getting returns done under budget than working on the CPA Exam. I thought I would be rewarded with giant pay raises and my work experience would provide a foundation of

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CPA Reviewed #49 – Live Calls

  Subscribe on iTunes   Today’s Giveaway: Ten Point Combo (Lite) Caller 1: Cecille – FARCaller 2: Holly – FARCaller 3: Dana – BEC/AUDCaller 4: Marie – AUDCaller 5: Lisa – REGCaller 6: Inder – BEC Get More CPA Reviewed Podcasts              

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Denise

  Hey NINJAs! My name is Denise and I am from the beautiful island of Barbados!!! If you have never heard of it, look it up because after your exam is over you should treat yourself to a nice vacay at the beach basking in the sun with a margarita in your hand. As the

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger David

David is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. I have been eligible to sit for the CPA Exam since 2002, and took it for the first time in 2002 when it was still “paper based” and only given twice a year. Three weeks before I sat for the exam, my family experienced the ultimate of tragedies.

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CPA Exam Pass Rates for Q3 2013 Released; BEC hits 58%

  The AICPA has released the 2013 CPA Exam Pass Rates for Q3. AUD 2013 Pass Rates Q3: 46.56% Q2: 48.08% Q1: 45.19% Q3 2013: 46.56% Q3 2012: 50.06% BEC 2013 Pass Rates Q3: 58.54% Q2: 55.95 Q1: 53.47% Q3 2013: 58.54% Q3 2012: 57.63% FAR 2013 Pass Rates Q3: 51.23% Q2: 49.09% Q1: 47.16%

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Connect with Another71 on LinkedIn

Have we met? Connect with the NINJAs on LinkedIn and get all of the awesome benefits* that go along with doing that. *There are no benefits, but you should do it anyway. 🙂

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CPA Reviewed #48 – Live Calls

  Subscribe on iTunes   Have a question for the Podcast? Option1: Call the NINJA Hotline Option 2: Ask Jeff Caller 1: Martha – REGCaller 2: Miru – FARCaller 3: Tonya – FARCaller 4: Mei – FARCaller 5: Shareef – FARCaller 6: Ida – BEC (Written Communications?)Caller 7: Hanin – FARCaller 8: Yash – FARCaller

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NINJA Hall of Fame: Patrick Passes the CPA Exam!

Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Last Wednesday, we gathered on the carpet of our still-empty living room to watch Victor unwrap his birthday presents. Amidst the Legos, Hotwheels, and necessities that parents pass-off as gifts, was a small box, about an inch cubed. Victor pulled out a folded-up sticky note with the number, 87,

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Three Scores in … I Passed REG!

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I have been very good with not peeking at my first 2 scores from this summer study session, but as my third score hit my inbox Tuesday night, I was too anxious to go home and check what all of the results were. Here is a recap of what

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BEC Passed! And Lessons Learned

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I learned a few things on my last exam that I want to throw out to readers. I thought I was doing things right, but I really wasn’t. I had two main realizations. 1. Slow down and read the question. No, really read it. 2. Know how the test

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