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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Katie

Katie is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! My name is Katie and I’m from Illinois (sitting for exam) and Texas. I graduated from Loyola University Chicago in 2009. Before graduation I learned that I was at 140 credit hours only 10 hours away from the 150 credit hours I would need to be

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Despite the Drilling, I Passed BEC!

Bridgette is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I became eligible to sit for the CPA in April as I finished the spring semester. I still have 4 upper level accounting classes to take to be licensed (Florida requirements), but nothing was offered during the summer so I decided to get busy studying for the exams. My

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I’m Going to Finish This: AUD and BEC up Next

Mike is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I was already a semester into grad school, but I decided to take that sense of meaning combined with the structure required as you go back to school and run with it. I bought the materials and studied hard every night/morning either for school or the CPA and turned

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Power Study Time: REG in Only Two Weeks!

Hana is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Where did the time go?! It is now only two weeks out before I sit for REG and I feel nowhere near ready. I gave myself a weekend off recently because I had so much going on, which was a terrible idea because now it has just been so

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Not Holding Back: It’s Time to Pass FAR

Carla is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Some say the best way to prepare for and pass the CPA exam is to get mad at it after failing a section. This helps you to channel all your negative energy into the exam to achieve a positive result. Well, I have attempted FAR three times now and

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Forum Spotlight: BEC

  BEC Oct/Nov Study Group BEC Exam Day Experience “I Passed BEC” AICPA increasing BEC difficulty? Which CPA Section is the Worst? BEC Written Communications BEC Retake Tips

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Rematch with REG + Lessons Learned from My Toddler

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello my fellow NINJAs! What a crazy week. I am still studying for my re-match with REG in November. I have finished the tax videos and I am moving onto the business law ones. I am trying a slightly different technique for studying, one that I am hoping will

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CPA Exam Calculators Gone Wild

The AICPA has released a statement regarding an update to the CPA Exam. To sum it up… 1. CPA Exam calculators now have a comma. “1000” is now “1,000”. 2. The Intro Screen of Death that can snatch the life out of your exam without warning, will now warn you with a 10 minute timer

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