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Vacation, REG Score, and Some Big News

Greg is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hiya! It has been a long time since I posted a blog entry. Here’s what’s been going on. I took REG in the beginning of July. I thought I did pretty well. It was potentially my final section of the CPA exam. So all I could do was wait

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Ask the NINJAs: Freezing up on CPA Exam Simulations

Dear NINJAs, I am having problems with the simulations. I soar through the multiple choice, but freeze up when I get to a simulation. Do you have tips for answering these? – Tiffany     Dear Tiffany, If we NINJAs had a Shuriken for every time someone said “hey NINJAs, my score report says I’m

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kenley

Kenley is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. My fellow NINJAs, Roughly three years ago, I vividly remember sitting at T.G.I. Fridays on a Friday night with a close friend of mine. Then there came that moment after dinner when she asked me to check her AUD score. CPA scores had just been released that day

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Katie

Katie is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! My name is Katie and I’m from Illinois (sitting for exam) and Texas. I graduated from Loyola University Chicago in 2009. Before graduation I learned that I was at 140 credit hours only 10 hours away from the 150 credit hours I would need to be

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