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Caring for Body and Mind while Studying for the CPA Exam

Arthur is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! I hope everyone’s studies have been going well. Something that gets overlooked throughout the process of studying for the CPA exam is a candidate’s fitness and diet. To be able to endure the physical and mental punishment that one puts their body through from sitting for hours

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Life is Busy: Finding Time for FAR Studies

Joe is a NINJA CPA Blogger. As I prepare for FAR I am fortunate enough to have a decent amount of time to be able to study for this exam. I am going to take this exam the first week of April, although mid-March may have better suited my study program. Instead of trying to

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Back at the CPA Exam, Once and for All

Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs, happy new year to all of you! As some of you may remember, I took AUD, BEC and REG within the first six months of 2013 and started studying for FAR right after in July, and then… I fell off the bandwagon. I moved to a new

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Huh? AUD is like Learning a Foreign Language

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I think I had a pretty challenging education. For my undergrad I had four financial accounting courses, not counting the two required intro classes. I also had two tax classes, on for individual and one for corporate tax. Lastly I had one auditing class. I have to wonder why

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It’s Back: The NINJA500 Weekend MCQ Challenge

Here’s some extra motivation to annihilate some MCQ this weekend.. It’s pretty simple… If you Work 500 NINJA MCQ this weekend (through the end of Sunday night – whenever that is for you), you will get 1 Week of NINJA BLITZ Access. FAQ: 1. Is this just for NINJA MCQ? Yes 2. Are you going

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Failed Hail Mary: A 74 on REG

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. The last time I wrote, I was throwing a Hail Mary from the 50-yard line to try and take advantage of the extra week of testing in December. I was only half prepared to sit but I wanted to give it a try. It would have ended my CPA

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Mixing Things up to Prepare for AUD

Cassandra is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I (re)took AUD today. I thought I’d share my experience with everyone, because I used different study techniques this time around. I really increased my confidence level, which is very important on exam day. If you have failed a section and lost hope, I’ve been there. But I decided

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