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It’s Done! My Journey to PASS the CPA Exam

Lauria is a guest NINJA CPA blogger sharing her journey to pass the CPA Exam. I am a CPA. It is so surreal. I don’t look different. I don’t feel different. However, the truth of the matter is … I AM different. So completely different. I had an empty nest at 41 and went back

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Doing My Best: AUD Exam in a Few Days

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa! I have been thinking about my CPA journey so far. I have a friend from school that is waiting on his last score for REG, after which he will be done. I am hoping he does well and doesn’t have to think about another CPA test again. I

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Head up High: After Three Years, I Passed the CPA Exam!

Kara shares her journey to pass the CPA Exam. I can’t believe that after 3 years of countless hours, tears, frustration, and 4 moments of pure joy that I’m finally done! I was beginning to think that this day would never come, but thankfully it’s here! Warning … this post is a long one! I

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AUD Score: I’m Not a Quitter

Ana is a NINJA CPA Blogger. So what do you do when you took an exam for the sixth time in two years, and finally get so close to passing … a 74? I mean really??? I realize more and more the power of the mind that God has given to us…so many times I

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FAR Study: Time Flies when You’re Working Hard

Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs! I’ve just hit the 50% mark in my study materials for FAR. I am determined to keep going, unlike the last few times I started and stopped and started back up again. I’m planning the next couple months out so I will be able to get the

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Embracing the Process of Studying for the CPA Exam

Arthur is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! I hope everyone has been studying hard for his or her next exam. I have FAR coming up in ten days and I am definitely itching in anticipation for my second attempt at this section. I have fully dedicated the past nine months of my life preparing

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FAR in the Books + Plan Tweaked for AUD Retake

Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, I hope everyone has had a great week. I know I have made some amazing leaps and bounds in progress this week. As of Monday the tenth, I took FAR for the third time. Nothing special happened I just took the exam and then went with my

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I did the Best I Could: Waiting for REG Score

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello and Hi-Ya! That’s how I started my very first blog that I wrote way back in early December of 2012. I talked about how I hoped blogging would keep my thoughts on track. It has helped with that, and, hey, maybe I’ve helped others by talking about all

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The Task at Hand: Preparing for AUD

Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! Although my studies for AUD have been going reasonably well, the thoughts of the FAR exam I just took still linger in my head. I’m really curious to see my score, but at the same time I want to be able to focus on the task at

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Passing AUD May Come down to a Hail Mary

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This last week for me has brought on some challenges and some successes. The closer to my exam date the more worried I become. I am realizing that I really don’t have near enough time to be as ready for this exam as I would like. I am just

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