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AUD Passed! Three Down, One to Go

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This last week I took off from studying. I was waiting for my score and since I only had a week to wait I did not see the point of starting a new subject until I knew if I passed Audit or not. With some free time I set

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Halfway Done! BEC Passed on First Try

Faye is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! I took my BEC exam in February and I was so excited to receive my passing score of 81 last Friday! Thank God! I couldn’t be happier because I really thought I failed. Those of you who took it this window know what I’m talking about. I

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Great News: FAR Slayed with a 90!

Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! I come bearing great news: I slayed the FAR beast with a 90! It’s a great feeling to know that I’ve passed one portion of the exam; however, I understand that more work needs to be done. I hope to have more great news for you all

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The Great Divide: Life and Studying for the CPA Exam

Andrea is a NINJA CPA Blogger. You have all experienced it. That moment when studying for the CPA exam and your work life seem to be two opposing walls of the Grand Canyon, and too often we find ourselves simply peering over the vast expanse of distance to the CPA side of the canyon. This

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Falling off the CPA Exam Horse & Getting Back on

Joe is a NINJA CPA Blogger. As I began my CPA journey, I was inspired and ready to take on FAR. The original plan was to take the exam around April 1st. I began studying in the beginning of January. Many people told me that this was too much time to take to study for

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Saved for Last: REG Studies Underway

Cassandra is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I began studying for REG with great apprehension. I perceive it to be the hardest exam for me personally, and for some terrible reason, I saved it for last. However, things are going swimmingly well so far! I have made it through my entire review book, taking detailed notes

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AUD Exam Last Week + Waiting for Score before Moving on

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hiya! Hello again my fellow CPA NINJA assassins! That’s right, I said assassins. I ran across an article last week that enlightened me a bit. When you see a ninja today they are traditionally garbed in a close fitting black costume. (And when I say “today” I am of

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I Did It! I Passed the CPA Exam!

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I did it! I started my CPA exam journey unsure about my ability to pass, but my desire to give it a try outweighed any doubts. I went for it. I pushed through all four parts. Now, I’m finally finished with exams and it’s still sinking in. I studied

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