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REG Study: In Non-Stop NINJA MCQ Mode

Rollie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Greetings NINJAs! It was a somewhat productive week of studying. Currently, I am in the process of doing non-stop multiple choice questions and I am beginning to see my percentages rise. I always do study mode so I can learn from my many mistakes (I am a married man)

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Life Gets in the Way: FAR Exam Rescheduled

Joe is a NINJA CPA Blogger. After setting my test date up for the end of May I really began to cram and finished about three solid weeks of studying. I began waking up early and studying an hour before work every morning, was studying an hour at lunch, studying index cards with definitions whenever

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REG Exam Experience + Taking BEC in May

Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Howdy NINJAs! It’s been too long since I last wrote. I took REG today, and I have mixed feelings about how the exam went. The multiple choice questions came across as manageable; however, the SIMS threw me for a loop. Looking back, I don’t think the SIMS covered excruciatingly

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FAR is a Beast: Two Weeks Until Exam Day

Christie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This is it. My last 2 weeks before I sit for FAR. Has it been an easy road? Absolutely not. Will it get any easier during these next 2 weeks? Most likely, no. It’s been an interesting journey getting here to where I’m so close to taking the test

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Not Ready: REG Taken after only Two Weeks

Clarissa is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I took REG yesterday. It was quite an experience, mainly because I know I wasn’t ready for this exam. I only gave myself two weeks to really study for REG, thanks to my NTS expiring. But I would rather try for a pass than just let my NTS expire

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Time to Get it Done: Final Stretch before BEC Exam

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa! Well my last exam is fast approaching. As an exam gets closer I know it is near by the general state of my health. I won’t say that I get really sick, but I do not handle stress very well. I worry like you wouldn’t believe and I

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Burnt Out: Hard to Find REG Study Ethic

Ashley is a NINJA CPA Blogger. After seeing my Audit score of a 74, and then retaking it and getting an 84, I decided I was going to do it right the first time with FAR. This time around, my study ethic was impeccable. My course tells me exactly which sections to cover each day,

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Melantha

Melantha is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. My journey towards the CPA began in the Fall of 2006 when I was a first year associate at one of the Big 4 located in Philadelphia. I’ve always been an overachiever and at the top of my game no matter what I tried to accomplish. I graduated

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REG Videos Finished, Non-Stop MCQs Begin

Rollie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJA CPA readers! It has been awhile since my last post and I have lost some study time! A week ago, I had to squeeze all my workweek into 3.5 days to take an 11-hour (one-way) car ride to a wedding for the weekend. As you can imagine

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Second Chance Confidence: Rematch with FAR

Phillip is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hey NINJAs, It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on the blog. Things as usual have been chaotic, but I am still on the CPA journey. I have a renewed sense of purpose and still have the goal of being in the CPA Class of 2014. I will catch you

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