From the CPA Exam Forum… Q3 FAR Study Group Q3 AUD Study Group Q3 REG Study Group Q3 BEC Study Group
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From the CPA Exam Forum… Q3 FAR Study Group Q3 AUD Study Group Q3 REG Study Group Q3 BEC Study Group
Read MoreCarla is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! It has been a while since my last post, but I am back. A lot has happened since January. I survived another tax season, I got a new job, and I had yet another retake with the beast, FAR. I was really hoping this time would be
Tracey is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey ya’ll, Since my last post I have taken my first CPA exam – FAR – and boy am I glad it is over … for now, until scores are released. In my opinion the exam wasn’t too terribly bad. My MCQs were very fair and covered all topics,
Shannon is a NINJA CPA Blogger. My brother told me, “You are too far along to stop now. You got this.” After a grueling score release date, I was happy to see a passing score after several (hundred) refreshes of the NASBA website. Looking back on when I walked out of the testing center after
Christie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! Well, I took my FAR test this Saturday. I was incredibly happy to have it done and over with. Now it is just a waiting game to see how well I did. I had originally planned on taking FAR beginning of April and then AUD end
Ashley is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I only have finals left and then I graduate from my Masters in Accounting Program. My fiancée and I just bought a house (It’s a severe fixer-upper). I have REG at the end of May. My wedding is in September. Basically, my studying is still being put on the
Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I’m terrified. I think I have a good reason though – I’m taking FAR in two days. I think the reason I am so terrified is because if I pass, I will be done with the CPA exam forever. I want to be done so bad. And if I
Clarissa is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Well, my news for the score release was not what I had hoped it would be. And as soon as that score popped up on the screen, so many thoughts started running through my head: “I give up with this exam”, “I’m not good enough to pass this exam”,
Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Well NINJAs, I have done it! My fate is sealed. I have fought the good fight and I have only to wait to see if my efforts will produce the desired result. I have FAR, REG, and AUD under my belt. The only remaining test I have to go
Phillip is a NINJA CPA blogger. HiYa NINJAs, As I write this I have a little more than two weeks before my FAR rematch. I am feeling every emotion right now as the internal pressure within me builds to earn a passing score. The four-week plan I mentioned in my last post of answering at