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CPA Exam Score Release Updates: Q2 – Release 3

All signs are “go” for today’s CPA Exam Score Release. By all signs are go, we mean that we have absolutely no idea if it will happen, but the Target Day – 1 Business Day formula has become reliable. When the Scores are released, the Another71 CPA Exam Forum has all of the updates as

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Recapping My FAR Rematch

Phillip is a NINJA CPA blogger. Fellow NINJAs, Remember it’s not where you start, but where you finish. Last Week of Study and Review The week before my exam was so hectic I thought about rescheduling every day, but decided against it out of worry that I would be flat for the test. It was

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Having the Right State of Mind, Preparing for BEC

Parth is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi, NINJAs! Here’s the situation: I recently found out that I got a 91 on REG, and I’m taking BEC – my last remaining section – tomorrow. No pressure, right? Ha, ha! My BEC studying was derailed for a bit due to finals and graduation. That said, I was

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Ecstatic: I Passed the CPA Exam!

Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello, NINJAs! Score release is upon us once again. And failing an exam means studying to re-take another exam, which really sucks. Many of us have gone through this multiple times. We study our butts off, go through a grueling exam, and wait painstakingly for the dreaded score release.

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Summer “Fun” with FAR and AUD

Tracey is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey, NINJAs! Well, I have bad news. I did not pass FAR, and I am bummed. I was truly hoping I would not have to retake this exam again, and I can already say I am not looking forward to retaking it. I am planning to retake FAR at

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FAR is Finshed, My Rematch with AUD Awaits

Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey there, NINJAs! What a crazy few weeks it has been. I took FAR on May 5 and immediately started prepping for a rematch with AUD. Let me tell you, nothing is quite as frustrating as prepping for an exam section and scoring 85 to 95 on your MCQ

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CPA Exam Score Release Updates: Q2 – Release 2

All signs are “go” for today’s CPA Exam Score Release. By all signs are go, we mean that we have absolutely no idea if it will happen, but the Target Day – 1 Business Day formula has become reliable. When the Scores are released, the Another71 CPA Exam Forum has all of the updates as

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