Heather is a NINJA CPA Blogger. So, my study plan didnt really start out like I had hoped it would this past week. It all started when my husband (firefighter/EMT) brought home a strain of the Norovirus stomach bug going around. I make it a point to keep my immune system built up because of
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NINJA Clint: AUD Passed! Time to Finish Strong
Clint is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Things have been crazy over the past few months for my family. I finished my MBA in December. I passed FAR in January. I passed REG in February. Thankfully, I just found out that I passed AUD in April. Currently, my wife and I are in the process of
Read MoreStart from the Beginning: Six Weeks to Prepare for AUD Retake
Alex is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Well, that didnt go as planned I went into the exam feeling like I knew the material, but still wasnt getting consistent scores on the practice exams that I wanted. I was expecting to not pass Audit the first time through, at least thats what I told most of
Read MoreBEC on the Brain: Exam Day Nerves Creeping Up
Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. My BEC exam is in 11 hours. Woohoo! Just kidding. I am pretty unconfident about it, but I think my best bet is to just get a good nights sleep so I dont blank out during the test tomorrow and review my notes in the morning. I wont do
Read MoreFirst Exam Behind Me: Awaiting FAR Score + Starting on AUD
Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. My first exam ever, FAR, is over. Im relieved that I made it through and my training wheels are off. The one and a half hour or so drive one way to the testing center into city traffic was more stressful than sitting for the exam! (Yes, I live
Read MoreLife Gets Crazy + Audit Rescheduled for July
Mike is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Its amazing how time gets away from you. It has been a little over a month since my last blog post. The last month has been significantly more hectic than usual. A project came up at work that basically doubled our workload for the month. Fortunately we are pretty
Read MoreDONE! I finally defeated the CPA Exam!
Serena is a NINJA CPA Blogger. HalleluiahIm DONE! After 20ish months of fighting this beast, I have finally defeated the CPA Exam. But I dont think I could have done it without the help of you all on Another71. I will admit, I may have only started one discussion thread ever, and definitely dont contribute
Read MoreCPA Exam: Facing Adversity after Failure
Angel passed the CPA Exam and now shares his experience as an international candidate. Hello everyone! It has been almost a month since I last posted an article. By the time this gets posted a lot of you must have received your scores. It is in these times of the month where pressing F5 is
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Jimmy is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi fellow CPA Exam takers, As we waited for my score, my wife and I decided to go watch the opening day showing of Iron Man 3 on IMAX. We loved the plot and the special effects but I was disappointed by the lack of any hints to other
Read MoreA Little Flag Football + Suddenly More Time for BEC Study
Dale is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Well… The Russell home has been all abuzz this week. My middle son, Dale Jr., is a high school senior and we have been making preparations for graduation and prom. Tuxes, pictures, graduation invitations, cap and gown. All very exciting. He recently informed my wife and I that
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