Ali is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Ive officially been back to studying for almost two weeks now, and its been a pretty good start. When I left the Big 4 for a job in industry a couple months ago, I suddenly found myself with a lot of free time, so naturally, I picked up a
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FAR Exam Experience: Some Lessons Learned
Brent is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I sat for FAR on Friday and took the entire weekend off from studying. Overall, I feel that my second retake of this exam went well and that I was well prepared for it. My confidence was growing as I answered each MCQ and a voice inside my head
Read MoreFinal Review before REG + Thinking Ahead to Post-Exam Days
Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger. This will be my last post before my REG exam. If you’ve been following along, this could be my last section, but I feel much less prepared than with past exams and my scores reflect it. I started my new job in Las Vegas last week. I’m staying at
Read MoreHalfway There: BEC Passed! Just FAR and REG Remain
Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! My last post was written the night before my BEC exam and I was feeling unprepared due to all the math Id come across while studying. The next day, I finished the exam a little early and thought I did well. There were more conceptual problems than
Read MoreSurprised and Relieved: I Passed AUD!
Jason is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs, I write this today with a smile on my face. A few days after everyone else got their scores, I received mine (thanks TX) and found out I passed AUD. You see Texas loads them between midnight and 4am, so yes I was up at 4am
Read MoreIt All Comes to an End: I Finally PASSED the CPA Exam
Larry is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Yall NINJAs Im glad to report I finally passed all sections. Im not quite sure if I have ever felt this good to be over with an undertaking such as this. hose two hours, that cruel wait between receiving the email about the score release till actually seeing
Read MoreIntroducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kristin
Kristin is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa! After a year of watching and reading and loving the NINJA Blogger concept, I have decided to join the ranks! Recently, I read a blog from someone that really resonated with me, and it made such a difference I thought, WOW, if someone can connect with me,
Read MoreFirst Exam Passed! FAR behind me, AUD up next
Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Waiting over three weeks for my FAR score has been horrible. I passed, barely, with a 76. I couldnt be more thrilled! It means that, I, an average country girl that went to an average local four-year college, and took my sweet time getting a degree, can pass these
Read MoreMy Love for Coffee + Audit Exam Time Crunch
Adam is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. Over the past month I have been crunched to find the time to study adequately for my Audit exam. A coworker of mine recently left the company that I work for and thus left me with a hefty learning curve and double job duties for a while until
Read MoreStill Plugging Away + Focusing on My Weakest Points in REG
Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, This week I am checking in from a hotel where I am staying for training for a new job that I am starting next month. It is kind of weird getting re-familiarized with GASB and Yellow book, but I am sure things will come back to me
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