Stacey Adam is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Exactly a year ago, I sat down to take my first CPA exam. Now I am studying to take that same test for the third time.
This has been a humbling year as I have taken four tests without a pass. Although I came within 2 points, it counts for nothing.
On the positive side, the 18 month clock has not started. On the negative side, I have been putting off taking my next test until I am fully confident, in fear of failing again. I have been struggling to pick a test date, to make that commitment.
I have improved the quality of my study sessions but my work hours have still cut into the amount of study sessions I have been able to fit in to my days.
Notecards have been my best friend throughout the day to squeeze in some reminders. Now I need to find a way to add another hour of studying to my day and get this test off my to-do list this month.