Carolina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Hello NINJAs,
I have been feeling much better the last few weeks and I decided to take the bull by the horns.
Therefore, I restructured my study plan, and I started studying and feeling more focused. I changed my FAR exam to November 17. This will allow me more time to go through all the NINJA MCQs and simulations at least twice.
I will also make use of the free access to NINJA Blitz.
I don’t feel 100% confident that I will pass this time around, but I feel much better now than I did before. I am very positive and if I don’t pass this time, I will keep trying until I do. I will not switch sections like I did in the past.
A couple days ago, I read about the 2017 CPA Exam Changes by the AICPA and that motivated me to start studying and stop procrastinating and finding excuses to not study.
I need to pass everything before the end of 2016 because my weakness is the simulations and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle more than the ones that are already provided in the exams.
I just need to find the strength and the motivation to keep swimming.