Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
It’s hard to believe that we are already at the end of 2015. I started off 2015 with the goal to finish my exams this year.
Obviously, I didn’t accomplish that. I realize that I’ve got a problem with saying no.
I allowed everything and everyone to pull me away from my studies, which I completely regret now.
I refuse to let that happen anymore. I’ve written my study plan in my planner and intend to stick to it. So far so good, I just need to start logging in to work on NINJA MCQ’s.
Lucky for me, my boss is ok with me studying at work as long as I get everything done. It may be the end of the year, but I’m completely caught up and done with everything; so studying here I come, until busy time hits.
The holidays are a busy time for family, but since all of our extended family live across the country, it’s not so crazy for us. That means I get to spend my time with my kiddos and still get my study time in.
That’s my plan for the rest of this year and the beginning of 2016. I plan on starting strong and continuing that way until I am done with this exam. I’m not postponing anymore!
Congratulations for you!!!! That's the correct attitude, believe me I started the 2015 with the same thoughts 'Start the CPA trail', and with all the things on job, family, boyfriend and daily things I have now 2 part passed!! Isn't easy but we can do it!! All that we need is put the things in focus on what we most want now, spend time on preparing (work hard), believe in ourselves, be determined, take a boost from others and other things like quotes, what type of work we want to have, and put all the things in lord hands!! He always gave us our best chance if he notice we work for the things we want it!! Good luck and success in your new trail!!!! Don't punish your self if appear some things in your way, that happen, but maintain the focus and return to the trail again!! Veronica ;) Happy New Year!!!