2015 CPA Exam Pass Rates: Best Auditing Q4 in 5 years

05 Jan 2016

CPA Exam Pass Rates

The AICPA has released the 2015 CPA Exam Pass Rates. The NINJAs did some digging and ran a comparison of Q4 over the last five years, as well as a cumulative comparison going back to 2006.

Some ninjanalysis:
1. Q3 is typically the strongest quarter of the year, with Q1 being the weakest. This wasn't the case with FAR in 2015, as it was the weakest quarter of the year.

2. For the 3rd straight year, BEC finishes the year in the mid-50s. Well done, NINJAs!

3. AUD normally has the lowest pass rate, but it actually tied with FAR in 2015 at 47%. AUD also finished with its highest Q4 pass rate in 5 years.

AUD happens to be the 2nd most-popular section of NINJA MCQ (behind FAR)…total coincidence, probably. 😉

4. Holy pass rate explosion, BEC. Up 12 percentage points since 2006.

Notes: For readability, the pass rates are rounded to the nearest percentage.
To see the data breakdown, hover your mouse over the chart.




Link: Free 2016 CPA Review Materials

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Luiz 9 years ago

On February 4th I found out that I failed BEC – Got 72 !!! I was devastated and I was already studying for AUD (half book) and planning to take AUD begining of April. Now I don’t know what should I do, whether keep studying for AUD or get back on my feet and retake BEC first in April and AUD afterwards. I am realizing that AUD has a lot more reading. Anyone with similar situation? Thank you Jeff for making this blog available. I like your Ninja Audio too ????

Jeriame1977 9 years ago

Luiz, I ran into the same problem with Audit, got the same score (72). I had started studying for FAR and was about 3 weeks into it when I got the exam results. I can't tell you what you should do, but I decided to set FAR down and redo Audit first. It worked out for me.