Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
My tentative exam date is 6 weeks from today. Six weeks to get through all of the BEC material. I’m pretty confident in myself that I can accomplish it.
Going on vacation for a week and a half was awesome, especially considering I haven’t taken more than 3 days off from work at a time in 7 years.
So I briefly studied on the plane when I wasn’t entertaining my 2 year old, but it got me in the mood to study, which was good enough for me.
My plan is to study at least 20 hours a week, 1 hour each day on my lunch break and 2 hours in the evening once the kids go to bed, that leaves 5 hours or more on the weekends as I’m able to.
It’s all written in my calendar. I’m also doing things a bit backwards, I’m going to be reading and studying notes, then I’ll listen to the lectures, then it’s onto MCQs. If all goes according to plan, I’ll have 2 weeks for review.
I also now have a desk at home, which we didn’t have room for before. Now, I can leave my study materials in one place at home and be able to sit comfortably in a designated spot to get my studies in.
Over the next 6 weeks there are going to be things that pop up that I’ll have to make extra time for; such as my daughter going back to school, but this time around I’m more prepared and have a better study plan. I’ve already gotten more studying done today than I used to in a day.
The key to my studying and passing will be the MCQs and keeping myself accountable. Weekends I plan to just attack NINJA MCQs over and over again.
I’ll end up logging onto the Another71 forum as well in order to keep in contact with others going through this process and to be in one of the study groups.
All of this together will help me stay motivated and focused on my end goal – being a CPA!