The AICPA is hosting its first Live CGMA Exam Review Course.
Key topics covered:
The CGMA Exam – this section covers the skills and competencies that the exam will assess and the nature of the assessment and grading process
Interpreting the pre-released case study – this section identifies the managerial and strategic issues facing the organization in the case and will anticipate likely exam-day tasks
Strategic Business Management – the application of techniques of strategic management and strategic management accounting to the organization. These include methods of strategy formulation, the conduct of the corporate appraisal, dealing with stakeholders and issues of corporate social responsibility and business ethics, generating and evaluating strategic options, and the implementation of strategic performance evaluation measures
Strategic Financial Management – formulation of financial strategy, considerations in selecting a financing strategy for the organization, capital structure, dividend policy, corporate finance including business valuations, mergers and acquisitions and asset valuation methods
Strategic Risk Management – identification, classification and evaluation of business risks, managerial and strategic responses to risk including the use of internal controls to manage risk, management of financial risks including cash flow and capital investment decisions
Effective business problem solving and communication skills- throughout the program the knowledge will be introduced in the context of business problems and the emphasis will be on developing reliable and compelling advice to the Board on how to ensure the survival and development of the organization.
Date: April 20 – April 22, 2015
Location: AICPA International Plaza – Durham, NC
Recommended CPE Credit: 20
Cost (Non-member): $1,520
Cost (AICPA Member): $1,220
More Details @ cpa2biz.com and https://www.cgma.org